Primary Community Nursing / Outreach Health
We offer a range of community health and outreach services to support and encourage healthy lifestyles, through physical exercise / activities, good nutrition and social activities. We offer home based nursing and support services for our community including immunisation and well-child services.
Breastfeeding peer counselling programme
Breastfeeding peer counselling services educate and support mothers and their families with breastfeeding. Services are mostly delivered one-on-one, in group sessions or via phone. They can also be delivered via another similar method as needed (such as via a social media discussion/chat).
Breast screening support
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in New Zealand women. Over 600 women die from it each year, and as we get older our risk increases. According to the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation, Pacific women are more likely to die from breast cancer than other ethnic groups in NZ. Their five year survival rate is 79% compared to 87% for NZ European women.
Cervical screening
Cervical smear services are provided as part of the National Cervical Screening Programme. Having regular cervical smear tests every three years is the best protection against cervical cancer, and a cervical smear test will show if there are any abnormal changes in cells on the cervix.
Child adolescent mental health service
We offer a child and adolescent mental health service for children and adolescents 0-19 years of age. Our approach to service delivery embraces Pasifika cultural and mainstream ways and applications.
Chronic disease management
Chronic disease management services provide confidential support to improve and encourage people with long term conditions to self-manage their chronic illnesses and help them overcome some of the barriers that they struggle with.
Community nursing centre
We provide a community based primary nursing service which is readily accessible, affordable and culturally appropriate to Pacific people. The aim of the service is to provide a link between community services, Pacific networks and providers and improve access to specialist services. All clients are monitored and supported by the service, and we provide education and promotion.
Health promotion programmes - adults
We provide a range of health promotion services to improve nutrition and increase physical activity within our communities. Adult sessions are normally held at community venues and include a range of activities to improve healthy lifestyles and health checks from our Registered Nurses.
Health promotion programmes - children
We provide a range of health promotion services to improve nutrition and increase physical activity within our communities. Children's sessions are normally held at ECE centres and schools, and include a range of activities to improve healthy lifestyles and health checks from our Registered Nurses.
Health visits / advocacy services / interpreting
A health advocacy service is provided to support people with understanding and attending outpatient appointments.
Home based support service
Home based support services aim to provide positive outcomes for ‘at risk’ individuals and families who require assistance to a range of health and disability support services, and who for various reasons are unable to access those required services on their own.
Mobile nursing service
The mobile nursing service is provided by a registered nurse and a community support worker who will work with patients to identify and address issues that affect their ability to manage their personal health needs.
Outreach immunisation service
Outreach support services are offered to communities / those who might not otherwise have access to health services. The outreach immunisation service follows up on families who have children (ages 0-6 years) that have missed vaccinations.
Pregnancy & parenting programmes
We deliver pregnancy and parenting education programmes focused on different aspects of pregnancy and post-natal care through to the first years of baby’s life. All classes are presented by a qualified childbirth educator.
Sexual & reproductive health
Sexual and reproductive health education is provided to young Pacific people, attending intermediate, high school and alternative education services (12- 25 year olds).
Smoking cessation
Smoking cessation services provide support and education to individuals, families, friends, groups and organisations so people can make informed decisions about quitting smoking.
Well child
The Well Child programme is a free service offered to all New Zealand families/whanau for children from birth to 5 years. The early years of life set the foundation for lifelong health and wellbeing, and Well Child services help families/whanau to improve and protect their children’s health.